Monday, March 1, 2010

Wait a's March?

Jeez....time really does fly when you're having a good time. The LaFrance household has been going 100mph for more than a few weeks now, so excuse our absence from the blogosphere. It was one of my new years resolutions to blog more, but that clearly has gone by the wayside, as this is blog post #1 in 2010 for Dad LaFrance.

Hard to believe, but it certainly feels like spring is arriving here. We've had a great string of above-freezing days, and its amazing how much energy it adds. And we need it. We made a hard decision a number of weeks ago, and decided to get the house ready and put it on the market. The timing is never quite perfect, but we feel like now is an opportune time to try to put the house up for sale, and make the big move. 7 days of intense remodeling (bathroom), cleaning (everywhere), organizing (stock tip: buy Rubbermaid NOW!) and de-cluttering (how did we fit all this stuff in here?) and we're days away from having the for-sale sign out in the yard. I can honestly say that the house has never looked better. Crazy to think that this is probably the nicest the house has looked in over 75 years.

We're not quite ready to say goodbye to the house yet, so we'll make sure to post again when we get some pictures ready (we packed our camera battery charger into storage already....whoops). If you're interested in some poor-quality bathroom remodel pics, check out the twitter feed at the bottom of the page. If you know of anyone looking for a well-loved 3BR, 2BA let us know!


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