Friday, March 5, 2010

On the market

The house officially went on the market yesterday, and Sadie and I are both very relieved! I know moving is a lot of work, but technically this isn't even moving's de-cluttering. It's nice living in a house with just the very bare essentials though. Relaxing in a way. It hasn't hit me completely yet that we'll be moving on at some point and leaving this old house behind, but I'm sure it will. I will definitely miss the character. The character element is starting to influence the homes I like too, as we start to browse. We've seen about 150 homes pop up on our radar screen, and crazy enough I've really only seen 1 or 2 that I can actually picture us living in. Right now we’re just focusing more on what neighborhoods feel and work best for us. In the meantime here are some of the listing pictures. They’re not the highest quality, but they’ll do.


anna and eric March 8, 2010 at 9:40 PM  

looks great guys! nice work on the bathroom and good luck with selling!

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