Wednesday, February 3, 2010

fresh cut.

Noah at 13 months and his 10th haircut

Noah may have hit a record this past weekend, he has had 10 hair cuts in 13 months...yes, that is right 10! Noah's hair seems to just keep growing and growing and this time he nearly had a little tail growing along his neck line it was so long. You would think that Noah enjoys having his hair cut since he has done it so much, but that really isn't the case. Nearly every time we head to the salon, we see tears...real tears. The tears tend to appear when they get close to his ears, I think he feels like they are going to check his ears like they do at the doctor's office. Usually by the end of his haircut, Noah is wearing his smile again! I give a lot of credit to the stylists as they do have a lot of patience. Until the next cut....

Noah at birth sporting his locks!


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